I spent a bit of time many years ago  trailering horses, to shows, race tracks  and so on.  Many of the horses were high value and of course all were my responsibility so safety was a big concern.  After having some bad experiences with flat tires I wanted a better and safe way to change a flat tire.  The answer TRAILER-AID!

It had to be lightweight, strong and would not require unloading the horses. Many years were spent developing the perfect ramp and I believe this is a good one.  Trailer-Aid Plus can be used on RV Trailers or any trailer with spring axles.  Trailer-Aid Plus gives you 1" more lift for spring axle trailers. 

I truly hope you enjoy the benefits of my simple, yet perfect invention, to answer an age old problem.

Harry Wallace
PH: 610-291-9174
Wallace Saddlery LLC
AIKEN, SC 29803